michelle 2nd January 2012

Good Morning Gary,it's mum here,woke up a bit later this morning i don't know why i wake up so early,it was 4.35 today but have been watching 'Colin Fry' my favourite programe in the morning,he has such a gift and makes so many people some comfort about thier loved one;s that have passed over into the spirit world. Iam thinking about going to see a medium to see if you will come through and talk to me,as i still have so many un-answered questions that i need answers to which might enable me to make scense of it all,as it feels so wrong,i know it would upset me so much and im not sure if i would be able to handle it as it might take me right back to the start and make me so sad an unable to cope,all over again and i dont want to live through all that heartache again,but mabye it will do the total oppisite and give me all the things i need to understand and make life that little bit easier to carry on knowing you are okay.I got very worried when you passed away i always wondered who would be there for you,it made me feel helpless but Nanna&Pa Janet,Mckenzie,Jamie and my nanna would hopefully be there with you.Well my darling im going away just now as i can feel tears coming,so bye just now i will be back in a few hours ok.LOVE YOU BABE,MUM.xXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxX